
Mission Statement

            We are re-establishing the ideals of community unity, family sanctity, and leadership accountability in the state of Kansas. Through this establishment of clear and fair legislation, civil justice, and non-invasive family and community services, we work to ensure that every citizen, regardless of gender or age, continues to enjoy the liberties afforded to them by the laws and Constitution of our State and Nation.
            Many people from all around the state of Kansas have volunteered their valuable time and resources for this cause. We are volunteers, there are no salaries or commissions, only the shared goal to protect the rights of Kansan's families and their community.
            With our ongoing efforts to partner with the community and grass root organizations, we continue to grow and make a difference. Through working directly with our communities to engage resources and partnerships that will benefit families and their children, and encouraging our elected officials to strive for justice and protection for not just Kansas families, but all citizens, our volunteers remain committed to bringing lasting, positive, and true effective change.

            Through this opportunity we hope to inform and educate you about multiple issues effecting you and your family. Our primary goal is to root out the Judiciary and the corruption that is Kansas courtrooms.
            The Judiciary is the third arm of governm
ent empowered by the constitution and the laws of the United States and each State individually and vested with the Judicial (legal) power of this country. It has the sole responsibility of interpreting the Constitution, laws and administering justice. This Judicial branch is a "Public" service institution and is the branch that is responsible for the day to day administration of the Courts and Tribunals of this land. It was intended to be the "WEAKEST" branch of our government.
 In its complete failure to provide this mandate, the Judiciary has failed miserably to uphold the independence of the Judiciary, to show a commitment to the true and proper interpretation of the Constitution and the laws of our country. It has failed to ensure the speedy and unfettered administration of Justice brought to the door step of our citizens and has implemented a fear or favor standard in its delivery of justice.
             Dr. Les Sachs, a writer, journalist, and published expert on American corruption now living abroad, wrote in his article “Portrait of America’s Legal System”: “The reality is that the United States of America, which proclaims itself the ‘land of freedom,’ has the most dishonest, dangerous and crooked legal system of any developed nation. Legal corruption is covering America like a blanket.” He recognizes the real problem here, which is that judges are and have been making arbitrary decisions without any consequences for some time, and have been able to immunize themselves against the people.
             Judicial accountability is a single-issue to end the rampant and pervasive judicial corruption in the legal system of the United States. We have to expose judicial immunity in order to deal with it and realize the effect and danger of its continued existence in our society. We need to recognize that this can only be achieved by making the judicial branch of government answerable and accountable to an entity other than itself. It is the result of the judiciary’s arbitrary abuse to follow the doctrine of law that leaves the people without recourse when their inherent rights are violated. Judges are not free, in a constitutional context to twist words to mean what they want them to mean. It is one thing for a judge to convict on a mistake of fact or law while protecting the rights of due process, counsel and the jury. It’s a completely opposite ordeal to convict in absentia without notice or hearing in a “private trial”, or in chambers without a reporter.
             The average American does not realize that most of these criminals are in powerful positions and have created a wall of immunity for those who are in power. “A way to deceive is a way to achieve.” We are mad at our government, we are upset at the people who have let it happen, and the people that have given them the immunity to hide behind in their crimes. This system of fraud or claiming to be for the people, while working against the laws and civil rights of the people. The political corruption goes right along side with it. The system is all about money, power, and control. These entities stay up late at night figuring out how to work it against us. They create the immunity to hide behind their crimes and we are left without any measurable or true checks and balances within our system that actually work. When they are given this kind of power, to abuse, without any remedy for this type of corruption, it will become corrupt. We have Politicians in trouble for scandals everyday in the news. The American people have to ask, why are these people not being prosecuted? ANSWER: These people have immunity; we have to stop this in its tracks now. This will be as ugly a fight as you could ever dream of since they have the perceived power and we want to take it away, but this is the only way to constitute proper checks and balances, and our system was NEVER designed to be run like this.
             “Absolute judicial immunity” protects not only “judicial acts’ with subject matter of jurisdiction but the conspiracy and conspirators that surround those acts. I want you to read that sentence again until it sinks in to the true reality of where and what this does. Given that immunity means, the implication or being that you can’t sue, you have no mechanism in place for discovery for the truth in determinations. Few people will ever know the true effect of judicial corruption unless their ability to sue is denied or their Appeals are discharged for bogus reasons such as the judges stated rulings rather than the law.
             When you try to determine rights violations in a case or the conspiracy, you have to look at the “judicial orders” first to see the judicial arrogance these people have. What you don’t see is the irregularities that go on behind the scene, but this is what accounts for the “motive” that is necessary to explain why or how the order was issued. What does “jurisdiction” mean in text? In the sense that immunity attaches itself to the judges it means  “the personal rights of the judge to do as they please”. They can violate Due Process, the Constitution, civil rights or anything else that is contradictory to their belief or the outcome they favor or desire. We are at that point right now!
             Underlying all civil relations between government and the governed is the right to the governed to compel the government’s obedience to law through the process of law. If that is not so, we can end this discussion now. The judges will say that your only right to “redress” are really gifts of your government, and we will not accept your substitution of “gifts” for rights, and then the civil war will be threatened. Of course you will not accept their threat of war as a substitute for the real thing, and the war will come about even though neither side wants it. Those are the battle lines for civil war! As long as the judiciary conspires to maintain a policy to deprive people of life, liberty, or property without Due Process of Law, then we really have no disputes as to whether it violates our 5th and 14th Amendments or the Constitution.
             How much worse of a betrayal of the human spirit is there than your rights being lost at the whim of the judicial branch of your own government to whom you turn to for protection of those rights? This is not a dispute. There is not a judge or lawyer in the circus that does not know that judicial immunity exists, and without question violates the Constitution. Our ancestors rebelled against our constitution but that doesn’t mean it has to stand or be left in place. We simply have to get back to judicial constitutionality. The Supreme Court has declared, “Certainly the right to petition extends to all departments of the Government. The right of access to the courts is but one aspect of the right of petition. California Transport v. Trucking Unlimited, 404 US 508, 510 (1972). The right of petition is just as important to the right of free speech and the other rights contained in the 1st Amendment. The U.S. Supreme court has held, the right to petition for redress of grievances is among the most precious of the liberties safeguarded in the Bill of Rights. Thomas v. Collins, 323 US 516; 65 S. Ct 315,322
             We have to impose limits on judicial concepts for immunity. Judicial immunity prevents democratic change, because moral and legal concepts are not born in true form. Ideas in law or ethics are like ideas in science: only a few are really basic and the rest give way to competing ideas that make more sense in our changing world that measures their worth. Judicial immunity undermines judicial credibility resulting in the justifications that once were irrefutable but are now obviously false or irrational. Lastly judicial immunity violates two American revolutions. The first revolution of 1776, which freed the nation from the British Rule, which made England have no legal force in America. The next revolution occurred 14 years later after we set up our own laws and institutions.
             The problem is unaccountability to those it injures is in violation of the Constitution. The solution is accountability to those it injures in violation of the Constitutional rights. Immunity blocks the policing of our government by the people. Each case of judicial immunity presents to each judge a moral decision: “Shall I obey my oath and support of the Constitution? Or, shall I ignore my oath in support of the secular concerns or interest that my colleagues or friends prefer?
             The constitution either sets the limits of “Jurisdiction” or it does not. If it does, then a judge has no jurisdiction to do what it forbids, nor can it allow or command others to do the same. They can not change the legal reality by redefining words or the “subject matter’ or what the supreme laws of the land commands them to do. If it does not set limits then where does the authority come to the “courts of limited jurisdiction”? The constitutional authority to violate the constitution is in contradiction clearly in terms of denying its own legal supremacy. Unless we believe the framers were fools, we ought not think this but look for the cause or causes instead.
             The policy or principles of judicial immunity is completely wrong and the judiciary created it because they are operating themselves with no oversight by an outside entity or the other branches. No one may benefit from his or her own wrong or wrongs. Let juries decide the constitutional credibility of the defense. The Constitution is no more theirs than it is yours. The problem is the Constitution was set up for you and your freedoms and rights and they have to be protected, even if the judiciary branch doesn’t want that. In either case, the government and the governed shall give each their due recognition and we will have bridged a democracy that will have a judiciary under the constitution that embraces the interpretation of the governed, no less than those chosen to govern. The jury is the Great Equalizer of disputes between the two; so let’s let it work!

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